Choose from a mini box set ($75), a full box set ($140), or a luxe box set ($250).
Each box set will contain randomly chosen items from me, but will contain:
Extended Luxe Studio Box Set: $250 ($350 value) *A little sample of every item The Dainty Miss offers, and a perfect studio starter or updater! 1 Newborn or Sitter Critter band (you choose size), 1 Silk Wired Halo, 1 Sitter Band, 2 Plush Headbands, 2 Dainty Headbands, 2 Stretchbacks , 1 Layer/Stuffer, 2 Stretch Wraps
Full Box Set: $140 ($200 value) 1 Sitter Band 2 Plush Bands 2 Dainty Bands 2 Stretchbacks 1 Stretch Wrap
Mini Box Set: $75.00 ($110 value) 1 Sitter Band 1 Plush Band 1 Dainty Band 1 Stretchback
**Please allow up to 4-6 weeks for shipping. Depending on how many mystery sets you buy, you may be charged additional for shipping as the box and weight will go up with multiple purchases. Please keep this in mind. You may be asked to pay more shipping if purchasing multiple sets. Multiple purchases can add to turnaround time as well. Thank you.